Not Forgotten at Townley Hall

Visited Townley Hall and Park on the way to a meeting about a potential commission at Clitheroe Castle, and saw this deeply moving installation, 'Not Forgotten' by artist Geraldine Pilgrim.  Inspired by an old portrait of the Townley family, it speaks of the fragility of life in those days as well as reminding us of our own mortality.  No really.  Sounds arty-farty, doesn't it?  But the bed eloquently symbolises intimate family life, and the tree bursting up through it captures a sense of how it can all fall apart, but also our rooted-ness in the universe - the feeling that we are all part of comething bigger.  The bed blends into the landscape around Townley Hall, but it also hold its own.  Ok, I'll stop now, but it was good, really. Do go and see it if you can.


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